Wanderer Category: MOC


West Oxfordshire Race Report 2022

Report from Adam Wickenden It’s not usually this windy here they claimed.     Hmmmm. The Wanderer fleet heard the same thing last time they were at WOSC when Storm Hannah blew through. The brisk easterlies forecast only discouraged two entries from turning up, leaving five hardy crews to enjoy the delight of Wanderer racing and the Wanderer tradition of after sail food. Everybody (yes, everybody) also partook in the very un-Wanderer sport of swimming! Oh, we also had a fleet of Wayfarers to dodge – it was their Southern Area championships. Their presence turned out to be very useful, starting five minutes before us. ‘Follow the Wayfarers’ became the best way of sussing out WOSC’s complicated courses round its 11 basic blue cans, let alone different coloured buoys as special one-off marks. Saturday. We started with the Event Coordinator’s ‘build a Wanderer Challenge’. A long-term project, a bit like

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Your Christmas Update for New Year 2022

This will be the last Wanderer Update for 2021.  Wanderer Update is an irregularly produced screed from me as Events Coordinator and addressed to all WCOA members who are active participants in WCOA events. You need to be logged in to view the rest of the content. Please Log In. Not a Member? Join Us

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The Nut At the End of the Tiller

Paul Yeadon recounts his memories of Gavin. Gavin Barr’s son, Tim and I met at Reading University a mere 43 years ago where we became firm friends, sailing in various team racing events or regattas and getting into (and out of) numerous scrapes along the way. As a Lancashire Lad, a long way from home, Tim took me back to Charing in Kent and introduced me to Gavin, Caroline, Liz his sister and brother, Christopher.  You need to be logged in to view the rest of the content. Please Log In. Not a Member? Join Us

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Autumn 2021

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Gavin Barr Obit

I know Gavin as a fellow Wanderer sailor and member of Whitstable Yacht Club. I have also come to know dear Caroline, Tim, Elizabeth and Chris, other members of the Barr family and the hospitality of Gate Cottage in recent years.    A phone call to Gavin was invariably also a call with Caroline.  I think the phone was on loud speaker.  As we spoke the sound of Caroline’s laughter in the background encouraged more laughter among ourselves . . . this made Wanderer events all the happier.   Among many people who cannot be physically present with us, Chris and his family in Zambia will be participating on-line and also Gavin’s sister Elizabeth with her son Guy in Edinburgh and daughter Lucy in Athens. We have all been deeply saddened by Gavin’s passing.  You need to be logged in to view the rest of the content. Please Log In.

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2022 Event Preview

After a difficult year, for many reasons not least the changing restrictions, delaying of easement and some struggles to secure facilities, your 2022 Events calendar is almost complete, please take a look.

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