Reply To: Replacement of jib halyard


<p>Hi Woodacre.  I replaced my Jib Halyard following an upgrade to a Furling System.  I decided to make my own – refer to my article in the last Wanderer Magazine.  However you can remove the old halyard and take it to have a new one made to the length.  Process: 1. Lower the mast. 2.  Cut the stopping knot 3.  Attach a strong thin piece of rope to the rope end of the halyard; put some stitches of sail thread through to secure; tape over to make a lozenge.  4. Unscrew the mast pulley plate and take out (keep safe).  5. Pull the halyard out from the wire end i.e. the front of mast, taking the tailing rope with it; it will go around the pulley.   6.  When fully out undo the tailing rope and secure.  When you get your new jib reverse the process.  P.s. I tried to pull through with the mast up and the tailing came undone so was left having install the new one in the mast all for the sake of taking the mast down and not removing to the pulley plate.  Also a good opportunity to check all mast fittings and lubricate.  Good sailing – Roy Price</p>