Wanderer West 2023
A report by Andrew Powell This was the second iteration of the brainchild of Martin Overton and John Sharples: a few days for Wanderer sailors to meet and sail and camp in beautiful Cornish surroundings
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A report by Andrew Powell This was the second iteration of the brainchild of Martin Overton and John Sharples: a few days for Wanderer sailors to meet and sail and camp in beautiful Cornish surroundings
Hartley Boats and Hartley Chandlery have some winter offers available until late January 2023 The two links below show the flyers HB-Wanderer-Winter-Sale-021222 HB-Wanderer-December-Sale-021222-B
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The second Arnside Wanderer Event took place on Sunday 14th and Monday 15th August. Wanderers Race Monday – Arnside behind Arnside is located in Cumbria at the top of Morecambe Bay on the Kent Estuary
You will not get better than this: four days blessed by glorious sunshine, a consistent sea breeze each day as if switched on for boats to go sailing, high water in the afternoon, great company,