2019 Autumn Jottings

When it comes to the weather, sailors are difficult people to please, and this year even some of our events had “too much” wind or “not enough” wind.
The Inland Championship at West Oxfordshire Sailing Club was visited by Storm Hannah that created some very lively conditions. The National Championship at Bewl Water saw the other extreme of barely a breath of wind. This did not prevent our intrepid competitors completing enough racing at both events for winners to be decided and congratulations go to them and all who took part. Even WandererFest provided a variety of conditions from not much to challenging for some, and the forecast for the Salcombe weekend predicted scary conditions which, in the end, were not as bad as predicted!
Our sailing programme has settled into a manageable series of racing and cruising events that are generally well-attended with equal popularity and its success is due largely to the tireless enthusiasm of Philip Meadowcroft in his Role as Events Coordinator, together with excellent organisation and hospitality provided at the Clubs that willingly host our events. Nonetheless, we are trying to introduce the occasional change of venue and we recognise that the programme is heavily biased towards events in the south of England and we are looking to remedy this.
One event that will, for the time being at least, remain firmly at its established venue is WandererFest as we have yet to identify another venue that provides a similar combination of camping and launching facilities together with water that provides enough sailing interest for both beginners and experts. This year’s event was again well-attended and it was pleasing to welcome a significant number of “first timers” – we hope it won’t be their last! The dates are already becoming set for next year to match the best available tides. As always, the strength of this event comes from activities off the water as well as from the sailing. The camaraderie of Wanderer sailors and their willingness to share information with those who want to learn makes this event the envy of other class associations and so is worthy of your support and participation.
During the year we have been pleased to welcome a number of new members to the Association. We hope you enjoy your time with us and get value out of what we offer, both in terms of events and also information exchange either via the Forum or simply by talking to other Wanderer sailors. Also, the Committee has a vacancy for Minute Secretary following Rebecca’s decision to stand down. We are sorry to lose her from the Committee after such a short time in the position but it is for a good (and happy!) reason and we send her our thanks and best wishes for the future. Of course, it (almost) goes without saying that volunteers to join the Committee are most welcome!
Plans are already developing for next season’s programme and we look forward to seeing you there. In the meantime, if you continue sailing throughout the winter then I wish you a safe and enjoyable time on the water. If, instead, your attentions turn to maintenance and all those little jobs that got put-off because sailing took priority then I wish you every success with their completion.
Lastly good wishes for Christmas and the New Year!
I look forward to meeting you at events in 2020, starting with the AGM – JR